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Welcome to the ENTREE Online Learning Center

Hello and welcome to the ENTREE Online Learning Center!!!
ENTREE (ENhancing Teacher REsilience in Europe) is an international EU founded project which aims to enable teachers to improve their resielence in face of rapidly changing school context.

Get started in your journey of learning to be more resilient!

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The ENTREE team wish you well as you embark on your new journey of learning. We hope that your engagement in these modules will support and enhance teacher quality and learning.



Welcome in  ENTREE Online Learning Center

The project is informed by the trends both in Europe and internationally that recognize the need to safeguard and promote teachers’ wellbeing.

The impetus for this project grew from the recognition of the increasing demands and challenges that the everyday job of teaching presents.

Resilience is currently understood as the process by which a teacher is able to maintain a positive outlook while dealing with the broad range of challenges, pressures and demands inherent in the everyday work as a teacher (Kyriacou, 2010).

Logo LLP This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
